This web site exists to serve the good people of the Kingdom of the Outlands as a resource for heraldic information. Within these pages are contained information on heraldry, name and device submissions, precedence, ceremonies, field heraldry, and other resources for heralds and those interested in heraldry. If you are trying to find a herald to contact, check out the Contacts and Resources page.
If this site is lacking in a particular resource or, if you have content that you feel would be of benefit, please contact Magister Æðeluulf munc (White Stag Principal Herald) and the Web Team (OCoH Web Team). We are always looking for relevant articles and content for this site!
If you are looking for information regarding the Scribes of the Outlands, go to the Scriptorium,maintained by THL Lyssa (Lêofsige Õ Caoimh), or contact THLady Dragoslava Ikonnikova, the Outlands Kingdom Scribe. You can directly access the Outlands Scribes Handbook here.
Kingdom Devices, Ensigns, and Badges (blazons/descriptions)
Kingdom Devices, Ensigns, and Badges (emblazons)
Branch Devices and Badges (blazons/descriptions)
Branch Devices and Badges (emblazons)